Why Do I Pee When I Sneeze or Cough? How To Improve Incontinence

Cold and flu season always seems to be upon us, and it can feel embarrassing to be around friends without being able to stop sneezing or coughing. The only thing more embarrassing is when sneezing or coughing make you leak in your pants a little bit.

Incontinence is more common than you think, and while it’s undoubtedly frustrating, it’s nothing you need to be ashamed of. The good news is that drips and dribbles from coughing and sneezing are very common, and there are ways to work to improve and manage the leakage that really help.

Here’s everything you need to know about urine loss when coughing or sneezing.

What Causes Incontinence From Sneezing or Coughing?

Different types of incontinence are caused by different triggers. Urge incontinence happens when you have a sudden, intense urge to urinate followed by leakage or even surges of leakage. Overflow incontinence is when you experience frequent dribbling because your bladder doesn’t fully empty. And functional incontinence is when something prevents you from making it to the bathroom on time.

The type of incontinence that causes urine loss from sneezing or coughing is known as stress incontinence. This is when physical movement or activity puts excess pressure on the bladder, which can cause leakage. It’s all about physical strain and stress on the bladder — it has nothing to do with mental stress.

People with stress incontinence often lose urine when coughing or sneezing, laughing, bending over, lifting something heavy, exercising, or even just from walking around your home. It might not happen every time, but it may happen every now and again.

Causes of Stress Incontinence

Stress incontinence is usually caused by weakening of the pelvic floor and weakening of the other structures that support the urethra and bladder. In normal circumstances, the bladder expands as it fills with urine and valve-like muscles in the urethra stay closed as the bladder expands, to prevent leaks.

However, when these pelvic muscles weaken, anything that exerts force on the abdominal and pelvic muscles can put pressure on the bladder and cause leakage.

Some of the factors affecting your ability to maintain your bladder when coughing or sneezing include age, weight, or a history of previous pelvic surgery.

How To Fix Stress Incontinence

The good news about stress incontinence is that there are some techniques you can work on to help stop leaks from happening, even when you put pressure on the bladder from physical activity. 

Here are some of our favorites.

Pelvic Floor Muscle Training

Kegels get a bit of a bad rap, but they are important exercises for strengthening your pelvic floor to better allow you to hold your bladder during times of stress. And no, these exercises aren’t just for women, but make sure to check with your doctor before starting any exercise regimen.

To do kegel exercises as a guy, start by pretending that you are trying to avoid passing gas. Then, the next time you urinate, try to stop the urine stream as you are urinating. 

By doing this, you’ve located your pelvic muscles. Once you learn to engage those muscles, lay down on your back and contract those muscles for about three to five seconds, then relax those muscles for three to five seconds. Repeat this cycle about 10 times.

Kegel exercises can help to reduce stress incontinence while also preventing the condition from becoming worse. Kegels can also help with the frequent urge to urinate by strengthening the bladder muscles. To start seeing results, be sure to do these exercises regularly.

Remember that before beginning any pelvic floor exercises, be sure to contact your healthcare provider to ensure this is the best course of action for you.

Manage Fluid Consumption

The amount of fluid you drink naturally affects how much urine is produced throughout the day. And while you need to make sure you’re drinking enough water each day, it’s possible that your doctor might recommend you reduce your fluid intake to ease the effects of bladder leakage.

Additionally, the type of fluids you’re drinking can also have an effect on how often you need to use the bathroom. Drinks containing caffeine or alcohol, as well as carbonated beverages, are diuretics that can make you need to pee more often compared to just water. That’s why it’s important to limit consumption of drinks with caffeine and alcohol and drink those drinks in moderation, when possible.

Lifestyle Changes

Simple behavior changes can also help you manage stress incontinence. Sometimes, avoiding activities that make you leak can be the best solution, but that’s not always possible. Activities like jumping, running, or lifting heavy objects will likely increase the chances of experiencing leakage from stress incontinence, so keep that in mind as you engage in those activities.

Another way to improve your ability to manage stress incontinence is by urinating on a regular basis, as that will reduce the risk of your bladder being so full that it leaks on its own. You can also work to manage your weight if you’re overweight, as carrying extra weight can place more pressure on the bladder, causing more leakage.

MDP for Incontinence

Until your bladder muscles gain the strength necessary to improve your ability to manage and reduce urinary incontinence, you need a solution that restores your confidence and eliminates the potential embarrassment. And that’s exactly what a new product called MDP is made for.

MDP is a revolutionary product for light male incontinence that uses a custom-fitted two strap solution which can be adjusted for nearly any size. MDP is secured and strapped directly onto the male anatomy and is worn like a sock for your penis. Because this product conforms to each man’s unique shape, you never need to worry about it slipping and sliding around like many incontinence products do.

If you leak a bit from coughing or sneezing, MDP can hold up to two ounces of drips and dribbles at a time. And if you ever need to replace it, it’s as simple as pulling it off and strapping on a new one. Plus, MDP can be worn with any type of underwear, even loose fitting boxer shorts, since it straps directly onto your package directly, rather than a pad that uses adhesive to stick to your underwear.

This also means that MDP gives you the freedom to move and do all the activities that you love. From lifting to running, from golfing to hiking, you can have confidence and be comfortable throughout the day when you’re wearing MDP.

The best way for you to see the difference is to feel it for yourself. Get your first shipment today and stop worrying about light incontinence.

In Conclusion

Peeing when you cough or sneeze is very common, and is a typical symptom of stress incontinence. As our muscles weaken over time, we all may experience some urine loss because of those weak muscles in the urethra or bladder. 

Stress incontinence can also happen when you laugh, lift something heavy, or even from just bending over, or from walking, so don’t be caught off guard, and consider keeping MDP handy in case you want to strap one on and get back to living life like you always have.

And remember that you can improve stress incontinence by strengthening your pelvic floor muscles or by making certain lifestyle changes. But if you need a product that can truly make a difference, MDP is a revolutionary product that restores your freedom of movement and lets you feel comfortable and dry no matter what you’re doing.


Stress incontinence - Symptoms and causes | Mayo Clinic

Step-by-step guide to performing Kegel exercises | Harvard Health

5 Common Treatment Options for Stress Incontinence | Tufts Medical Center